Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday October 23, 2012

I have decided to post the book by chapters.  Posting a page at a time just doesn't make sense....


                This book is dedicated to God’s inspired Word and to my wife, Leigh Anne.  God allowed an angel to dwell on earth and be my soul mate, I’m sure of it!  Without this God fearing Christian woman by my side this book couldn’t possibly have happened.  She has stood by me when no one else would and lifted me up when most would run.  She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself.  She loved me when I had forgotten how to love.  She prayed for me when I had forgotten how to pray.  She always stood strong for me in the midst of all my weaknesses and as Jesus loves His church, so will I love my wife until the day I die.  Thank you for never leaving my side and for being my wife and best friend.

                                    You’re Husband,
                                    James Boening



Chapter One
The Setup

Chapter Two
Stage One

Chapter Three
The Aroma

Chapter Four
The Pitcher of Coffee

Chapter Five
Exact/Narrow Minded

Chapter Six
Questions & Answers

God’s Cup of Coffee
“Can you imagine a better cup of coffee?”
                This is a short book in parable form.  I believe Jesus rarely answered with a yes, no or one liners for many reasons.  But, I think He spoke in parables to get and grab people’s attention and to give the people continued dialogue when He stopped speaking or left that town He had traveled through.  You see, as far as I know, Jesus never wrote anything down.  That’s a book within itself.

            Unlike Jesus, I am going to give you the meaning to the Words and phrases first.  I want to do this so that you can think as you read or maybe even pause to see how that looks in your life, instead of getting to the end and piecing it all together.

1.      The apparatus of the coffee maker is us.

2.      The coffee grounds are God’s inspired Word, “The Bible”.

3.      The water is our prayer life.

4.      The coffee pitcher is how God wants us to live our lives.

5.      The aroma of the coffee is the Holy Spirit.

6.     The coffee, the finished product, well, we will get to that.
            God gave me this precious parable on December 24, 2009, the morning before His celebrated birth over 2000 years ago.  That’s just like Him, isn’t it? We are the ones supposed to be celebrating Him and He is giving us gifts. 

            So my re-gift is to share it with whoever will listen.  May your cup overflow and spill onto those around you.

This book comes with instructions:

            Take 30-40 minutes out of your life to read the whole thing in one sitting, all chapters. (There are only six).  There are some of you that could probably read this book in five minutes.  If you can or if you do, I’m not sure if this book is really for you.       So please, slow down, turn the cell phone, TV, radio, and computer off.  If possible, make yourself a cup of coffee and make it just that special way you love to drink it and find a quiet spot and let God speak to your heart.

So, the parable begins!

            For us coffee drinkers, it is rare to start our day without a fresh cup of coffee.  I would say the majority of us wake-up thinking about it.  My wife at times can’t wait till morning just so she can wake to the house being filled with the aroma of fresh coffee brewing.  (You see, we have a tradition in my house, my wife makes and serves every meal in our home; but it is I who makes and serves the coffee to her each morning.    This is something I love to do for her and she loves to start her day this way).
            For us Christians, we should embrace each day with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the same way we embrace our coffee.  We should wake with that same type of excitement, to get on our knees and start our dialogue (prayer life) with Jesus.  We should be bubbling with what God has in store for us that day.  Seeking His will, His purpose for our lives and laying our burdens at His feet. 

            For me, I didn’t always believe or maybe understand how this next statement could be true.  It often sounded a little corny or cliché and over used with no meaning behind it. 

            I have been a Christian, born again, a child of God for 21 years.  I have been blessed with great abundance and have had the lack of.  I have been true and Faithful to Him, but I have also walked away from Him, down wrong paths and strayed away from His presence and protection.  With all of that, I can finally say this next statement and understand its true meaning.  “No matter what the circumstances or what the world throws at me, I can have Peace in all things and all situations”.  Remember I said peace, not joy or contentment.

            There is only one way to achieve this true inner peace, a peace so unshakable people on the outside looking in just cannot grasp. 

            Obviously this next statement isn’t literal, but the only way to achieve that peace is to start everyday with a fresh cup of coffee. Let me show you what I mean.

It doesn’t matter whether you make your coffee or go purchase it; the same steps are taken to achieve the finished product.

to be continued.....

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