Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday January 14, 2011

Good Morning Everyone!  I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming response to my new Blog.  

1 Peter 2:22-23

22 “He committed no sin,
   and no deceit was found in his mouth.”

23 When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.

Jesus lived his entire life as the scripture above mentions.  We obviously can not live up to the first four words of this scripture.  However, we can live without deceiving others.  We don't have to retaliate when we are attacked or insulted.  We can and we should trust in the Lord in all situations and circumstances.  At times this seems so hard to comprehend, especially within the fallen world we live in.  It is possible, not easy but haven't we all heard the old saying, "nothing worth having comes easy."  When things are easy to obtain they don't hold as much value.  An elementary example: which one of these has more value and is looked upon with great revere?  A banana or a diamond?  Obviously the diamond, its harder to obtain and not as easily gotten.  The same is true with our faith and walk with Christ.  Because of the fallen world we live in, how much easier is it to walk the path of: Rebellion, Deceit, Lies, Greed, Envy and probably one the biggest lies were told from a young age, look out for number one because no one else will (self-centered, self-indulgence).  The last sentence in verse would teach us the exact opposite of that.  We always have the choice to have someone watching over and protecting us, when in doubt, REMEMBER THE CROSS!!  He loved all of us enough to come down from the heaven's above and take the form of man and be humiliated, rejected, beaten, imprisoned and was hung on the cross to die for you and me.  But, don't think He stopped there.  He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven to build our homes and has promised to return in His great glory and splendor for all who have asked for forgiveness and accepted Him as their Lord & Savior!  Praise be to God for that amazing Gift.

I leave you with this: For those of you that find yourself in a valley today remember this.

This too shall pass!  

Surrender to the Lord and give it all to Him, He has promised never to forsake us!!!

The wife & I Skiing in Lake Tahoe!

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