Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday March 26, 2011


1 Corinthians 13:11

11 When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.

This scripture seems so basic.  Here on earth we have given an age for infants, children, teens and as my wife and I say, a man child for the early twenties.  We set expectations and allow for mishaps at certain ages in our children's lives according to the earthly age.  We also expect our children to leave the childish things behind and become responsible adults. 

I'm sure I can speak for most of us when I say; we would not be happy or find it very acceptable if our children at the age of twenty something were playing with dolls or any type of childish toys and still living at home.  Just as disappointing as we would find this for our own children, God is telling us in this scripture the same thing.

The beauty of our relationship with the Lord is not age driven.  You could be seventy and find Christ and accept Him as your Lord & Savior (not that I suggest that), but God is always there and waiting for us to join His family.  At that moment we become an infant in our relationship in Christ.  Some of us mature quicker and some of us, like myself are hard headed and take a longer bumpier road.  We must remember this verse and ask ourselves what childish things are we holding onto that are stopping us from becoming a grown-up in Christ.  Remember just as our children are always born into our families and no matter what age they become, they are always are children.  The same is with our Lord & Savior, once we are reborn in Spirit through Him we will always be His and He wants for us to leave the childish things behind and become grown-ups.  The sooner we come to Him and give our lives to His service the sooner we can become mature in the word and teach and help others become adults in Christ.  

We should and are called to go out into the world and bring the word and love all as Christ loved us.  The only way to do this is to leave are childish things behind.

I want to thank all of you for your support and for starting your day with "God's Cup of Coffee".

James Boening

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